UML Diagrams are drawn and displayed in this panel. UML object diagramsAn object diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML), is a diagram that shows a complete or partial view of the structure of a modeled system at a specific time. An Object diagram focuses on some particular set of object instances and attributes, and the links between the instances. A correlated set of object diagrams provides insight into how an arbitrary view of a system is expected to evolve over time. Object diagrams are more concrete than class diagrams, and are often used to provide examples, or act as test cases for the class diagrams. Only those aspects of a model that are of current interest need be shown on an object diagram., or UML state diagram. can be created and edited here.
In general, a class is selected from one of the Palette tabs and then is dragged and dropped on the UML Diagram to instantiate an object. The properties of this object are then edited to specify the characteristics required by the application.
Fig.1 Opening Diagram UML View